Week 4 Dr Hadwen Trust -Promoting Animal Free Medical Research (UK)


A horrifying 4,107 research procedures took place on dogs in 2014. Yes, this is still how we treat our best friends when they are out of sight and out of mind.

DHT are currently running a fundraising campaign entitled ‘Pound for a Hound’ to raise money to save dogs from medical experiments and remind people about these voiceless victims.


Test beagles are confined to individual cages, often in buildings with no natural light, so typically they live their entire lives without ever seeing the sun or sky or touching the earth with their paws. Sometimes they’re “debarked,” meaning they have their vocal cords severed so the technicians don’t have to hear them cry. They’re fed “food” that’s specially designed to minimize waste, which means that it has no flavor, so along with playing outside and interacting with people and other dogs, eating is another basic pleasure they’re deprived of for life.
In short, test beagles are born into an existence designed to be completely devoid of joy and assured of regular doses of pain and poison. 


And of course it’s not only dogs, it’s all kinds of intelligent, feeling animals that suffer in the name of ‘research’ at the hands of what often demonstrates itself to be a far less intelligent, less feeling beast.


Dr Hadwen Trust - Humanity in Research

The Dr Hadwen Trust (DHT) is the UK’s leading non-animal medical research charity, which promotes humanity…while at the same time also benefitting humanity. Win-Win!

To steal from brazenly from their ‘About Us’ page…

We fund and promote the development of techniques and procedures to replace the use of animals in biomedical research.

To  achieve our aim, the DHT supports and assists scientists to implement existing techniques and develop new ones which are more human-relevant and will replace animal experiments. We award grants to scientists in universities, hospitals and research organisations following a rigorous and independent peer-reviewed selection procedure. Only those projects with the highest scientific calibre and the best potential for the replacement of animals will be awarded funding.

Funded solely by charitable donations, the DHT has awarded grants to over 170 research projects since 1971 in diverse areas of medical research including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, diabetes, kidney, heart and liver disease, to name only a few.

DHT Website

They also have a charity shop which is only stocks vegan (non animal derived) products.  Ethical bargains for a great cause…this is my idea of heaven!

dht shop 2


(ps I hope you didn’t just turn up your nose at rats? Look at these clever little cuties!)

Heartwarming rat video